Monday, January 14, 2019


Human body usually have 206 bones.
New born babies have 270 - 300+ bones

Types of bones or skeleton in Human body
  • Axial Skeleton (centre bones) - It has 80 bones (head, ribcage, backbone)
  • Appendicular Skeleton (side bones) - It has remaining 126 bones (contains hands, shoulder, pelvic gridle and legs bones) 
Bones of upper limbs
 Bones of Lower Limbs

Spine / Vertebral Column (Widely known as the Spinal Cord)

Human Anatomy



Definition - Human Anatomy is basically a branch or science that deals with the study of structure of human body.

  • It has bones, muscles, organs, arteries, veins, connective tissues (Ligaments, Tendons, Aponeurosis).
  • Ligaments connect bones to bones
  • Tendons connect muscles to bones
  • Aponeurosis connect big muscles to the body.